HalfMoon Crescent Films ™

A team of filmmakers & producers who bring entertainment through creativity

Head of HMCF

Nathan Burgos

Director, Producer, Editor

Eliezer Dominguez

Director, Editor, Composer

Behind the Scenes




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The Story Behind the Name

Our goal is to create a God-centered business that can expand in its creativity. God created the moon, the sun, the stars, and all the other natural light sources, placing them one by one in the sky. This serves as one of God's many ways of reminding us that he's always thinking about the little things; & even continues to do so in all his other creations. In that same sense, we strive to apply that concept into our projects as well, paying attention to even the smallest of details so that our audience can have the best experience we can offer.

HMCF partners up with 7HQ

7HeadQuarters ™

Press on the image above to view 7HQ's Instagram page

HalfMoon Crescent Films ™

Press on the image above to view HMCF's Instagram page